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Analisa nama

Teman menjelajah rata dalam internet sejak petang tadi. Maklumlah teman tak ada kerja. Haha.. Dalam banyak-banyak laman yg teman termasuk, ada satu laman web yg menarik pada teman. Laman itu dalam bahasa omputih la, tetapi menarik. Kita boleh analisa nama kita di sana. Huhu. Untuk seronok-seronok bolehlah. Jangan percaya pulak. Nanti ada yg komen teman menyebarkan amalan syirik. So, apa analisa nama teman yg betul dan olok-olok ye? Hihi.. Jom tengok!


Your first name of Mohd has given you a practical, logical, analytical approach to life and a great deal of patience.
You enjoy working at anything of a mechanical or technical nature, and believe that what is worth doing is worth doing well.
When you are interested in a project, you concentrate all your thoughts on it and do not appreciate being interrupted.
This name creates a deliberate and methodical way of thinking and speaking; it takes you time to learn but, once you have mastered a subject, you do not forget it. 

Although the name Mohd creates the urge to be reliable and responsible, we emphasize that it limits your versatility and scope, tuning you to technical details.
This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the elimination system, and through worry and mental tension.


Your first name of Fahmi creates individuality, independence, self-confidence, initiative, and an inclination to physical activity.
You are not inclined to merge your opinions and viewpoints with others, to accept compromise, or to work in a subservient position against your will.
Your expression is invariably quite direct and candid.
Others find it difficult to accept your domineering and, at times, argumentative manner. 

The name Fahmi creates the urge to be creative and original, we emphasize that it causes a blunt expression that alienates others.
This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses through tension or accidents to the head.


Your name Shukur gives you a strong sense of responsibility in business and material affairs, and the practicality and determination to make a success of anything you undertake.
Your ability to organize and direct the efforts of others enables you to excel in any managerial position because you have the ability to grasp the concept of a goal complete with an understanding of the steps to be taken.
This name has allowed you to develop depth and breadth of mind.
You are able to retain facts, to grasp new information to your existing store of knowledge. 

Although the name Shukur creates the urge to be reliable and responsible, it can cause an unscrupulous, materialistic approach that frustrates higher humanitarian qualities.
This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the reproductive system, worry, and mental tension.


Your name of Meow gives you the ability to understand people and to merge conflicting viewpoints to create harmony in association.
You dislike facing issues or witnessing hurt feelings.
You make friends easily but must guard against becoming involved in the affairs of others or being too easily led.
You could do well working with the public giving advice, where you can use your skills in diplomacy in handling people, but where you are not under pressure or required to carry responsibility and make decisions. 

The name Meow creates the urge to understand others, but we emphasize that it causes procrastination, lack of confidence, and the inability to realize your goals.
This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the fluid systems.

Huhu... merepek je ni.. jangan dok percaya pulak.. yg penting nama teman memang special.. ahaks..

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